What is Fatigue?
ME/CFS affects more women than men, can affect children and adults of all ages and from all social and ethnic groups. It doesn’t go away with sleep or rest and affects everyday life. It can sometimes be diagnosed as post viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS). "- Taken from NHS Inform Site
Management and Treatment
Management from the NHS may include lifestyle adjustments, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and, in some cases, medications to address specific symptoms.
It's essential for individuals experiencing symptoms to consult with healthcare professionals to rule out any other health conditions, for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan.
Social isolation and difficulties with family life can often result, with schooling and higher education severely disrupted or difficulty in continuing in employment. In severe cases people may be housebound or confined to bed for long periods due to different types of Fatigue.
The Impact of Fatigue
Beyond addressing the physical aspects, we understand the toll it takes on social connections, family life, education, and employment. Many face the challenge of social isolation, disrupted schooling, or struggles in the workplace.At Salus, our mission is to provide comprehensive support for the mind, body, and soul.
We focus on vital aspects such as nutrition, mental well-being, movement, pacing, immunity, and more. In severe cases where individuals may be housebound or confined to bed for extended periods, we aim to be a beacon of support.
Common causes of fatigue
Fatigue and CFS/ME
If you have experienced Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Fibromyalgia you will possibly have noticed brain fog, lethargy and sometimes unending fatigue that does not always improve with sleep.
Even the smallest thing, like getting dressed, can result in the need to rest. Recovery from tasks and activities can take over 24 hours. The effects of ME can vary from person to person. Minor symptoms; you may be able to take care of yourself but need a few extra days off work to rest. Moderate symptoms; you have reduced mobility and disturbed sleep. However, approximately one in every four people with a diagnosis experience multiple severe symptoms that have a huge impact on their lives.
Here at Salus Fatigue Foundation we have worked with many people with fatigue as a result of CFS/ME or fibromyalgia and we can assist you along the way with your wellness journey.
Fatigue and Fybromyalgia
Fibromylagia shares many symptoms similar to ME and indeed some people are diagnosed with both conditions.
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome defined as a progressive chronic pain related illness, characterised by all over body musculoskeletal pain, aches, stiffness, general fatigue, soft tissue tenderness and sleep disturbances. It affects women more than men and predominately women of childbearing age.
Here at Salus Fatigue Foundation we have worked with many people with fatigue as a result of Fibromyalgia and we can assist you with your well-being journey.
COVID 19 and Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS)
If you have experienced fatigue following Covid 19 infection or other post viral related fatigue you will possibly have noticed experiencing waves of exhaustion that can affect you mentally, physically and emotionally.
Many people are finding that once they have fought off Corona Virus, they are not bouncing straight back to full health. Instead they are finding themselves struggling with long-term symptoms such as overwhelming tiredness, aches and pains. This can prevent you from easily carrying out simple routine tasks. Learning to manage fatigue quickly following infection can lessen the chances of this turning into a more permanent and debilitating condition.
Here at Salus Fatigue Foundation we have worked with people who have experienced post viral fatigue and have found that by making changes to diet and lifestyle can often help restore long term energy levels.
Fatigue and Cancer
If you have experienced Cancer Related Fatigue you will possibly have noticed extreme waves of fatigue that can affect you mentally, physically and emotionally. However, this can be different in each person.
As many as 9 out of 10 people with cancer have reported experiencing Cancer Related Fatigue. Some people say it is the most difficult side effect to deal with.
Here at Salus Fatigue Foundation we have worked with people with fatigue as a result of cancer treatments and we can assist you along the way with your well-being journey.
Fatigue and Post Traumatic Stress
If you have experienced Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) as a result of physical or emotional trauma you will possibly have noticed utter exhaustion that does not correlate to the amount of activity you have carried out. You may struggle to have the will or energy to carry out day to day tasks.
Physically, mentally and emotionally you can feel drained of energy and sleep does not always remedy this. You can wake feeling unrefreshed.
At Salus Fatigue Foundation we have worked with people with fatigue as a result of Post-Traumatic Stress and we can assist you along the way with your wellness journey.
Fatigue and Anxiety/Depression
If you have experienced or are experiencing anxiety and depression you will possibly have noticed bouts of extreme and sometimes overwhelming fatigue. Your mental and physical reserves might well feel sapped, sleep may be elusive and not as refreshing as you would like.
Anxiety can cause muscle tension throughout the day, which can result in the body feeling depleted and drained of energy.
Here at Salus Fatigue Foundation on we have worked with people with fatigue as a result of anxiety and depression and we can assist you along the way with your well-being journey.
Fatigue and Brain Injury
If you have experienced Brain Injury Related Fatigue you will possibly have noticed extreme waves of fatigue that can affect you mentally, physically and emotionally.
People have often been left with little or no support and sometimes misdiagnosed. It is not clear what causes fatigue after a brain injury. However it may be a consequence of direct damage to the brain causing it to need additional energy to complete simple tasks. We have found that making changes to diet and lifestyle can often help.
Here at Salus Fatigue Foundation we have worked with people who have experienced fatigue as a result of a Brain Injury.